Sustainable Jersey Egg Harbor City Certified A better Tomorrow, One Community at a time.

2/18/14 Planning Board Minutes

February 18, 2014
7:15 P.M.

A regular meeting of the Egg Harbor City Planning Board was held on February 18, 2014 with Chairman Gerhard Mueller presiding. Other members in attendance were Vice Chairman Richard Colby, Mayor Jiampetti, City Official Keith Adams, Council President Edward Dennis, Alternate #1 Jack Peterson, Alternate #2 Gladys Torres, Solicitor Jim Schroeder, City Planner Tim Michel, Engineer Ryan McGowan and Secretary Donna Heffley. (Not present were Regular Members Miriam Mueller and Dennis McKenna).

Roll Call: Mayor Jiampetti yes, Mr. Dennis yes, Mr. Adams yes, Mr. Colby yes, Mrs. Mueller no, Mr. McKenna no, Mr. Peterson yes, Mrs. Torres yes, Mr. Mueller yes, Mr. Schroeder yes, Mr. Michel yes, Mr. McGowan yes and Secretary Donna Heffley yes.

This meeting was advertised pursuant to the NJ Open Public Meetings Act. N.J.S.A. 1:4-6 seq. Notices were sent to official publications for the Planning Board; the Press of Atlantic City, the Egg Harbor News, the Atlantic Current and the Hammonton Gazette. A copy of the notice was posted on the bulletin board of the Egg Harbor City Municipal Building.

The Chairman directed the Secretary to enter this public announcement into the minutes.


1. Oath of Members: The following members were sworn into office by Mayor Jiampetti.
a. Keith Adams – 1 year term (City Official)
b. Edward Dennis – 1 year term (City Council Member)

2. Appointment of Board Officers:
The following appointments for the positions of Chairman and Vice
Chairman was made for the calendar year 2014:

a. Chairman – Gerhard Mueller
Upon a motion made by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mr. Peterson and carried
Gerhard Mueller was appointed Chairman for the Egg Harbor City Planning

b. Vice Chairman – Richard Colby
Upon a motion made by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mayor Jiampetti Mr. Colby
was appointed Vice Chairman for the Egg Harbor City Planning Board.


3. 2014 Meeting Dates:
Upon a motion made by Mr. Colby, seconded by Mr. Dennis and carried the 2014 Egg Harbor City Planning Board Meeting Dates were approved.
January 21, 2014
February 18, 2014
March 18, 2014
April 15, 2014
May 20, 2014
June 17, 2014
July 15, 2014
August 19, 2014
September 16, 2014
October 21, 2014
November 18, 2014
December 16, 2014
The aforementioned meetings shall take place on the above dates, namely
the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

4. Newspaper Ads:
Upon a motion made by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mr. Peterson and carried the Press of Atlantic City, the Egg Harbor City News, The Atlantic Current and the Hammonton Gazette were designated recipients of meeting notices for 2014.

5. Appointments:
A. Solicitor
Upon motion made by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mayor Jiampetti and carried James Schroeder was appointed as the Solicitor for the Egg Harbor City Planning Board.

B. Planner:
Upon a motion made by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mr. Colby and carried Timothy Michel was appointed as the City Planner for the Egg Harbor City Zoning Board.

C. Engineer
Upon a motion made by Mayor Jiampetti, seconded by Mr. Colby and carried Ryan McGowan was appointed as the City Engineer with Remington and Vernick for the Egg Harbor City Planning Board. *Mr. Dennis abstained due to his son being employed with Remington, Vernick and Walberg.

D. Secretary
Upon a motion made by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried Donna Heffley was appointed as the Secretary to the Egg Harbor City Planning Board.
6. Approval of Minutes: December 17, 2013
Upon motion made by Mayor Jiampetti, seconded by Mr. Dennis and carried
December 17, 2013 Meeting minutes were approved.

7. Approval of Resolutions: none

8. New Business: 1. 14-01PB – Accent Fencing, LLC
1450 Bremen Avenue
Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215
Block 1003, Lot 11
Business Park
Amendment to Approved Site Plan

Chairman Mueller stepped down at this time and the Vice Chairman Colby chaired the meeting.
Mr. Mueller stepped down due to the fact that he worked for Marathon Engineering for about
seven years.

Joseph Dougherty, Esq. was representing the Applicant Accent Fencing, LLC/Greg Carnesale. Mr. Dougherty Introduced Lance Landgraf, Principal Planner with Marathon Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc., Greg Carnesale of Accent Fence and John Manos from Accent Fence were sworn in by Mr. Schroeder.

Mr. Schroeder noted that he received the affidavit of service from the Applicant and everything is in order.

Mr. Dougherty stated that the Applicant is applying for an amendment to an approved site plan.
Mr. Landgraf described the property as an existing warehouse located on Bremen Avenue. Part of the original site plan was to have two to three tenants in this building. Plans have changed to only one tenant (Surrey Brook Farms) occupying the 6400 square foot building. Mr. Landgraf described the Minor changes that will take place with the parking, the trash enclosure, landscaping and the changes in storm water management. Mr. Landgraf continued discussing access off of Bremen Avenue, deliveries, number of employees, number of deliveries, Signage, basin design, curb cuts, and no outside storage.

Tim Michel reviewed his report dated February 12, 2014. Mr. Michel gave a brief history of the site. Mr. Michel noted the current proposal is for the owner, Accent Fence, LLC to lease the entire 6400 square foot building to Surrey brook Farms. Surrey brook Farms is a family owned and operated fund raising company servicing schools and organizations for well over 50 years. The proposed use is a distribution center which receives bulk shipments and repackages specific delivery orders for targeted customers. This is a permitted use. Mr. Michel wanted to note a couple of items on page 4. First item C.3 under Landscaping, Section 170-79 F the last sentence. Preliminary approval accepted landscaping as shown and the amended site plan shall indicate the tree save area in the front yard. Mr. Michel noted this must be shown on the plan before final plan certification to insure this will be kept a tree save area in the front yard. Also all dead trees in front of the basin shall be replaced.
Mr. Michel asked if there was any kind of building security and suggested to coordinate with the Egg Harbor City Police Department.

Mr. McGowan reviewed his report dated February 18, 2014 and reviewed the compliance section. Mr. McGowan discussed parking and noted the space closest to the building must be eliminated to satisfy the parking requirements. The ADA accessible parking space unloading area does not meet the current ADA regulations for width. Review of this item was deferred to the Building Sub code Official. The concrete pads at each door entrance should be reviewed for compliance. There is a six inch difference between the concrete pad at the door and the interior of the building. The building entrances should be reviewed for compliance with applicable ADA guidelines. Review of this item is deferred to the Building Sub Code Official.

Mr. Colby noted there have been forest fires in this area in the past and asked where the nearest fire hydrants are located.
Mr. Dennis gave locations of hydrants for this area.
Mr. Peterson noted forest fire trucks could also be used.

Mr. Dennis made a motion to 1. Revise the parking configuration and to eliminate one parking space closest to the building. 2. ADA accessible parking space shall be deferred to the Building Sub Code Official. 3. Revised the shape of the basin and it exceeds the original approved plan. 4. Elevations must comply with ADA guidelines and this item will be deferred to the building code official. Seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve this application preliminary and final
Roll Call: Mayor Jiampetti yes, Mr. Dennis yes, Mr. Adams yes, Mr. Colby yes, Mr. Peterson yes, Mrs. Torres yes.
Vice Chairman Mr. Colby asked Chairman Mueller to return to the podium.

2. Referral from City Council to the Planning Board Plan for the
Ambulance Building Rehabilitation Area.

Mr. Michel went before Council on Thursday February 13, 2014 to present his synopsis that is entitled Redevelopment Plan for the Ambulance Building Rehabilitation Area dated February 12, 2014. All Planning Board Members have received a synopsis containing only five or six pages to avoid reading a more in depth document. The larger document is located in the Clerk’s office and in the Building Department at City Hall for viewing. The Ambulance Building Rehabilitation Area is generally bounded by Philadelphia Avenue, Diesterweg Street and Sixth Terrace which is made up of 4 lots. The purpose of the Ambulance Building Rehabilitation Area is to provide regulations and standards for the redevelopment of the 21 year old building and attached vacant land. The purpose of creating this redevelopment plan is to allow for City Council to receive proposals from people interested in doing development in this area and Council can select the one that they feel will be the best and most beneficial for the City. The City’s Redevelopment Committee has met several times to discuss the potential uses that can be located in this building. Mr. Michel listed some of these uses on page two of his synopsis. Retail commercial (as defined in Section 170-17 of the Egg Harbor City Developmental ordinance lists many uses.
Mr. Michel wanted to bring item #18 to the attention of the Board which states Permitted uses specifically omit governmental or public uses, public schools and places of worship as such uses may be tax exempt.

Mr. Michel reviewed building limit controls, parking, and landscaping, lighting, fencing, signage, and design standards.

Mr. Dennis updated the Board on businesses looking to re locate or expand that are inquiring about the ambulance building.

Chairman Mueller noted the Board will be voting on Resolution #1 of 2014, a resolution of recommendation to the City Council of Egg Harbor City for the issues that the Board has discussed concerning the Redevelopment Plan for the Ambulance Building.
A motion was made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Colby to recommend Resolution #1 to City Council.
Roll Call: Mayor Jiampetti abstained, Mr. Dennis abstained, Mr. Adams yes, Mr. Colby yes, Mrs. Mueller not present, Mr. McKenna not present, Mr. Peterson yes, Mrs. Torres yes, Mr. Mueller yes.

Mr. Michel reviewed his report dated February 12, 2014 on combining Planning and Zoning Boards. Mr. Michel reviewed the reasons for Egg Harbor City to consider a merger and noted that he has worked with other combined boards and they work very well. A merger would provide a savings for the City and will also benefit applicants.

Members expressed their concerns and ask questions on how members will be chosen for the combined board.

Mr. Schroeder has served for combined boards and estimated it could save the City a minimum of five to ten thousand dollars a year. The combined Board will be more beneficial for applicants making the process run more smoothly, efficiently and with no confusion as to what Board will hear the application.

Mr. Dennis noted the City is not going to make a hasty decision on combining the Planning and Zoning Boards. Council wants to give members who have served many years on the Planning and Zoning Boards the opportunity to express their concerns. Members will have the chance to decide if they would like to be considered for the new board and will understand educational classes may be required before making a commitment.

9. Other Business: none

Mr. Dennis and Mr. McGowan updated the Board on the continued progress of the
water plant.

Mr. Dennis discussed the demolition of the old water plant and returning the site to

10. Council Report:
Mayor Jiampetti announced that the Cedar Creek girls’ basketball team won the Cape
Atlantic League Championship at Cedar Creek against St. Joe’s. The Football team also won
the Cape Atlantic League Championship. The Crusaders won two championships from the
National Junior Football League at the pee wee and junior varsity level.

11. Public Comments: none

12. Adjournment: Upon motion made by Mr. Dennis, seconded by Mr. Peterson and carried
the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Heffley, Planning Board Secretary