Sustainable Jersey Egg Harbor City Certified A better Tomorrow, One Community at a time.



2/12/15 Council Meeting Video

2/12/15 Council Meeting Video

Please Note: The most recent council meeting is usually played on Channel 97 at 7PM daily.

City Green Team-SustainableEHC

SustainableEHC is Egg Harbor City’s green team, working to preserve the environment, adopt sustainable practices and support local business, industry and farming. We welcome residents of Egg Harbor City to join the green team and reduce their own household’s carbon footprint. Join in one of the many events held throughout the year that promote awareness […]

Council Meeting – December 18, 2014

Council Agenda Dec 18 2014

10/16/14 Council Meeting Video

10/16/14 Council Meeting Video

Please Note: The most recent council meeting is usually played on Channel 97 at 7PM daily.

9 / 11 Memorial – Egg Harbor City Municipal Building

Citizenship Award – Candace Negron

Mayor Lisa Jiampetti gives the “Egg Harbor City Citizenship Award” to Egg Harbor City resident Candace Negron.

EHC Promotes Three Police Officers

Three Egg harbor City Police Officers were promoted to the rank of Sergeant at a Council Meeting held on August 28, 2014.  Mayor Lisa Jiampetti gave the Oath of Office to the Officers. Pictured from left to right ..Sergeant Dylan Hutton, Sergeant Marcella Aylwin, Sergeant Matthew Landicini, Mayor Lisa Jiampetti and Chief John McColgan.

Atlantic City Electric

Atlantic City Electric Launches New Streetlight Reporting System New Streetlight Reporting System (2)

6/26/14 Council Meeting Video

6/26/14 Council Meeting Video

Please Note: The most recent council meeting is usually played on Channel 97 at 7PM daily.

6/12/14 Council Meeting Video

6/12/14 Council Meeting Video

Please Note: The most recent council meeting is usually played on Channel 97 at 7PM daily.