A Brief History of Egg Harbor City
The City of Egg Harbor was planned shortly before the Civil War by a group of German investors from Philadelphia, PA. It was to be the commerce center for the outlying farming areas. Originally, it was planned as a port on the Mullica River. However, the focus was moved to the southern end of the City to take advantage of the railroad. Throughout its history, the City of Egg Harbor has functioned as a commerce center changing with the times to meet the needs of the area.
The City of Egg Harbor’s name dates to 1614 when the Dutch Captain Cornelius Jacobsen Mey, sailed his ship from New York to explore the New Jersey coast. When they entered the mouths of two rivers Captain Mey and his men were amazed at the great number of bird eggs piled on the banks. Because of what Captain Mey saw he named the rivers “The Little Egg Harbor” and “The Great Egg Harbor,” and the countryside “Eyren Hafen” which meant “The Harbor of Eggs”.
The City of Egg Harbor was incorporated in the year 1858. The first Mayor of the City was Phillip Mathias Wolsieffer and his term lasted from June 18, 1858 until January 18, 1860. The first elected Mayor of the City of Egg Harbor was Francis Bierwirth who started his term as Mayor on June 14, 1860, and left on May 31, 1861, to fight in the Civil War. He was killed in the battle at Antietam on September 17, 1862.